No financial risk to providers The Global Pharmaceuticals Point of Care Drug Dispensing Program is a professionally managed in-office provider drug dispensing program that provides substantial benefits to patients without financial risk to the provider. Global Pharmaceuticals provides everything needed to start and manage the dispensing program. At no cost or any cash outlay by the provider, Global Pharmaceuticals will provide and install a locking storage cabinet along with inventory, bar code scanner, software, staff training and on-site support. The program enables providers to differentiate their practices from others in the community by providing the benefit of immediate drug therapy along with the convenience of avoiding the drive and long lines associated with retail pharmacies. The charge to patients is comparable to that of a patient co-pay requirement of most insurance plans that cover pharmaceutical benefits. Even patients without health insurance prescription drug coverage and senior citizens who do not have supplemental insurance coverage can substantially benefit from this cost-saving dispensing plan. To learn more about this exciting new program, please call a Global Pharmaceuticals representative or click on this link to request more information. |